I had forgotten how big a part the band, The Police, played in my life growing up. I loved The Police especially in high school and would drool over Sting in that Wrapped Around Your Finger video that played incessantly on MTV.
The band, despite the lame Dallas audience, rocked liked I'm sure they did in 1985. Even though I swore I wouldn't spend money on a t-shirt ($35 ouch!), I caved and got this:

Set list:
Message In A Bottle
Synchronicity II
Walking On The Moon
Voices Inside My Head / When The World Is Running Down* one of my favs of the night
Don't Stand So Close To Me
Driven To Tears
The Bed's Too Big Without You
Truth Hits Everybody
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Wrapped Around Your Finger
De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
Invisible Sun
Walking In Your Footsteps
Can't Stand Losing You/Regatta de Blanc
Roxanne*made a special call to my Dad on the cell for this one- I had a friend in high school named Roxanne and every time my Dad would pick up the phone when I would be talking to her after learning it was her, he would sing - more like scream - into the phone ROXXXANNEEE!! Unfortunately, I found out the next day he couldn't hear anything "but racket" so it sorta spoiled my efforts. I think that is when you know you've gotten old when you start using the term racket. Jeez.
King of Pain
So Lonely
Every Breath You Take
Next To You
Synchronicity II
Walking On The Moon
Voices Inside My Head / When The World Is Running Down* one of my favs of the night
Don't Stand So Close To Me
Driven To Tears
The Bed's Too Big Without You
Truth Hits Everybody
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Wrapped Around Your Finger
De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
Invisible Sun
Walking In Your Footsteps
Can't Stand Losing You/Regatta de Blanc
Roxanne*made a special call to my Dad on the cell for this one- I had a friend in high school named Roxanne and every time my Dad would pick up the phone when I would be talking to her after learning it was her, he would sing - more like scream - into the phone ROXXXANNEEE!! Unfortunately, I found out the next day he couldn't hear anything "but racket" so it sorta spoiled my efforts. I think that is when you know you've gotten old when you start using the term racket. Jeez.
King of Pain
So Lonely
Every Breath You Take
Next To You
It was pouring rain in Dallas. We arrived around 4pm and had plans to meet friends at the Taco Diner - a very good restaurant by the way and so weird: our waiter was from Patzuaro, Mexico!! where we JUST got back from..small world. The boys dropped us off as close as they could to the front door of the American Airlines Center, an enormous place by the way, and despite both having umbrellas we got drenched! (The drive home was crazy - monsoon type weather surrounded by geeked up semi drivers doing their best to get that UPS double truck to its final destination).
The Dallas audience was lame but I knew that would be the case. Growing up here taught me that lesson. Despite the older audience, age can't be blamed because I saw some older folks totally rocking out while their younger counterparts SAT the entire show. What the hell is up with that, people? It's the freaking POLICE! How can you pay $150 for tickets and just sit on your ass the whole show? Beyond my understanding. You know my butt was shaking the entire time. Loved it! Sting is s
till HOT! (photo credit of Sting: JASON JANIK/Special Contributor Dallas Morning News

Overheard at the concert:
drunk girl: That bitch just called me a whore! You don't call someone a whore! Bitch, that's ok but whore! that's just wrong.
i loved your post.
Roxanne was my favourite song back then. I had written a poem (i was very young and silly) about the wife of alexander the great whose name was Roxanne and then I heard this song and i thought 'hey, great minds think alike' ahahaaaa
I got to see the Police back in '85 in Austin. I would have loved to see them in Dallas, and I'm as green with envy like the shirt you got for anyone that got to go. :)
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